Monday 25 January 2016

The Draw of 'Dead Town'

 1. Gabriel Hinojos is a young man who got out of a street gang 'F13' that stands for 'Florencia 13' in Los Angeles. He is the typical example of a young trying to leave a gang. He went to a tattoo removal center called Ya stuvo the spanish translation for 'that's enough, I'm done with that' (l.2) to get his gang tattoo removed from just bellow the eye. It was the only way for him to stop being part of the gang.

2. As we see in the text Ya Stuvo means '' that's enough, I'm done with that'' (l.2). It is a tattoo removal center in Los Angeles. From time to time surgeons would kindly offer their skills to erase gang members' tattoos with laser. Gabriel Hinojos has gone there 45 times and as the journalist says his reaction was ''He grimaced in pain as the surgeon extracted the ink from the soft skin under his eye'' (l.8).

3. In the context of the article 'Black teardrops' is this symbolic tattoo below the eye that some gang members often have to show that they have been in prison or have killed someone. The more teardrops you have, the more respect you would earn from the gang members. The teardrops could also mean that the gang members don't cry because they are tough men.

4. This short sentence means that Gabriel Hinojos is feeling repented about what he did by joining this gang. It also means that he has a lot of tattoo teardrops because he has been convincted to prison so many times. Gabriel was obviously the meanest of the Florencia 13 gang.

5. The article shows that getting out of a gang is very difficult. Gabriel Hinojos compares this situation to getting a tattoo removed: " slow, painful, scarring" (l.18).

6. Getting out of a gang it is not always possible, as we see in line 18 "In street lore, a gang banger can never leave a really brutal gang like Mara Salvatrucha 13."

7. Nevertheless, getting out of the F13 gang is not easy but it is possible if you have killed the right amount of people and if you have managed to earn drug money for the gang. The article illustrates this fact on line 22: "In practice a gang member like Gabriel can get out of a tough (...) if he has served time in prinson and 'done the work'- shown that he can sling drugs and wield a gun" 

8. On lines 22- 23 Gabriel explains  that escaping of a gang life is extremely difficult. The fact is that when you enter in a gang you leave it the most part of the time when you die or you leave it if you have done the right things like been in prison or sling drugs. It is quite clear that if you stay in a gang for years, knowing all the secrets, you can't leave it easy. Moreover, after having this kind of life, you going to have some problems to adapt yourself to society normal life.

9. At the end of the article we see that Gabriel represents a symbol for all these youngsters that lived the difficulties of a gang life and that cannot leave it because they are afraid. However by reading the last three lines we understood that months later after celebrating his archivement being on the White House with Laura Bush, Gabriel was back in jail. This passage illustrate the idea that leaving a gang is extremely difficult and not always possible.

10. The picture represents the moment when Gabriel Hinojos went to the tattoo removal center Ya Stuvo for extracted the ink from his skin with laser. He is wearing sun glasses but his face expression shows that the surgery is, as he said "slow, painful and scarring" (l.18). This potograph is very significative with the meaning of the article because the expression of Gabriel Hinojos shows to us that he is tough and brave

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